Spring is here – Scale maintenance tips

Hello everyone

It’s that time of year when the snow starts to melt, grass starts to grow, flowers are getting ready to bloom and yes spring scale service is here!

A recent survey showed that truck scales (both permanent and portable) are used 65% more from spring to fall and that is why it’s important to have your scales checked to make sure that they are still weighing to within Legal for Trade (1/10th of 1%) tolerance.

With all the cold/warm weather that we get in Western Canada over the winter, a lot can happen to your scale. Freezing and thawing can cause load cell cable to crack, bumper bolts to rust, rodents looking for thing to snack on and load cell cabling always seems to be very enticing. That is why it’s a great idea to have one of our qualified service technicians go over your scale to make sure that it’s working at maximum efficiency. Even having your scale out as little as 10-20 kgs over time can mean quite a bit of money to your bottom line.

Our qualified service technicians will go over your scale from one end to the other making sure that everything is working/running correctly. If a bolt needs to be greased, a cable needs to be replaced or your scale isn’t level anymore due to the freezing/thawing of the ground. Any necessary repairs that are required to ensure that your scale is working properly, will be completed properly and in a timely manner.

Spring maintenance does not only apply to truck scales. Any scales that are used often should be checked/calibrated frequently. Warehouse scales get bumped, cabling cracks or breaks and they do  go out of calibration from time to time. Let the team at Certified Weighing Systems come up with a regular maintenance schedule. Our maintenance contracts include replacing any damaged, broken or worn parts, and we will also give you a detailed report advising you of possible future repairs that we recommend. This gives you the ability to budget for those repairs, so they don’t sneak up on you and cost you money that you were not expecting to pay. Also ask us about our 5/50 replacement plan. All of this is designed to give you piece of mind and to make sure that your weighing device gives you years of proper weighing.

Over the winter our scale orders/manufacturing slows down a bit so we always build a couple of truck scales for stock and always offer spring specials. Please contact a Certified Weighing specialist for special pricing on the following specials:

–       90ft x 11ft portable steel deck truck scale c/w digital weight indicator and ticket or tape printer and round pipe safety side rails

–       Warehouse 4ft x4ft floor scales

–       Counting scales

–       Digital crane scales


A few tips that you can do yourself to see if your scale is weighing correctly is as follows;

–       In the spring/summer check the bumper bolts on your truck scale are not tight, which can cause binding. In the summer, when the weather gets hot, steel expands. This can cause the bumper bolts to press against the abutment walls, which would cause your truck scale to weigh light.

–       Check your cabling and look for obvious cracks or any areas where mice might have chewed on the cabling which could cause your scale weights to drift.

–       Ice, mud and debris under the load cell stands can also cause your truck scale to weigh incorrectly.

–       Use a piece of equipment to check your scale (loader, forklift, etc.). drive across your truck scale in both directions placing your back tires over each set of load cells. Write down the weights and see how close they are as this will determine how close the sections are. You could also use a pick-up truck to check the sections, but the heavier the piece of equipment the better.

Please contact any one of our specialist whether you are looking for service, sales or you just want to discuss your scale options/upgrades.

Randy Radawetz

Tips for calibrating dynamometers

3 Reasons for Calibrating Crane Scales and Dynamometers Regularly

With the arrival of our new test stand Certified Weighing Systems is now able to offer full calibration services for all makes of crane scales and dynamometers. Here are a few reasons why you should consider regular calibrations and maintenance of your dynamometers and crane scales.

1. To ensure accurate weighing. Dynamometers are usually used in tough environments, and are in and out of trucks and on and off different job sites. Regularly scheduled calibrations can ensure precise weighing throughout each use.

2. To meet Quality Program requirements. Many of our customers have guidelines for their equipment maintenance laid out in their Quality Programs and by sending them in to our shop at specific intervals, they are able to meet all regulatory requirements. Each calibration performed at Certified Weighing Systems includes a calibration report for your audits detailing the tests completed and any adjustments that were made to your scale.

3. To prevent down time. Crane scales and dynamometers are a considerable investment. Regular checks can add to the life span of your device and prevent down time in the field. We offer very quick turn around times ensuring you are never without your equipment for long.

If you have any questions about your weighing device or want to book a calibration you can contact us at 1-844-463-9810. We offer very competitive rates as well as fast turnaround times. Local pick-up and delivery can be arranged for your convenience.

The cost of an out of tolerance scale

One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked by our customers is: How often should I get my scale calibrated? The simple recommendation we usually give out is yearly but that answer is always dependent on how often you use your scale and what product(s) you are weighing. A small scale error with an expensive product can add up to thousands of dollars per year while a large error with a cheaper product can have a similar negative result to your bottom line. Below is a chart showing the loss of product with an inaccurate weigh scale.


There are many reasons why a scale can lose its calibration throughout the year such as binding from snow and ice, uneven ground, faulty load cells or indicator components, relocation, etc. but with a preventative maintenance plan and regular calibrations, you can significantly reduce any chance of your weighing equipment costing you money.

Depending on your situation and usage, getting your scale calibrated as often as your budget allows is often a good idea. Contact us with us your weighing equipment and location and we can discuss an optimal preventative maintenance plan designed around your specific needs

Selecting the right truck scale for application

Selecting the right truck scale for application

Purchasing a truck scale is usually a major decision when you are running a business.

Not only the cost of investment but you also have to decide which scale will suit your application the best: Portable or Permanent? Steel or Concrete deck?

You start by looking at the area that you want to place the truck scale and figure out if it’s the right location. Here are a few questions that you can ask to figure out the type of truck scale required;

1) Are the soil conditions right?
– Once you receive a soils report you can figure out the cost of the foundation. If the foundation costs are quite expensive, you should decide whether or not a portable truck scale might work better for the application.

2) Do you have enough room to drive onto and off the scale safely?
– If you don’t have a proper driving radius you might have to place the scale into a pit to save some room, but this could also increase the cost of a truck scale.

3) Depending on the time of year, is it better to purchase a steel or concrete truck scale?
– Since a concrete deck takes approximately 28 days to cure properly, it might be better or more cost effective to get a steel deck. If it’s getting late in the year and starts to get cold, you might have to look at heating and hoarding a concrete deck truck scale.

4) Have you called to locate the underground services?
– For safety reasons it’s always a good idea to check both underground and overhead services before you start any excavation.

5) Do I need additional extras to optimize my operation?
– Additional extras such as traffic lights, cameras, driver ID recognition systems, ticket printers may help to make your Truck Scale operation more efficient but also protect against Truck Scale fraud or theft.

6) Have I considered a Truck Scale service / maintenance agreement?
– As a Truck Scale is a significant investment for any business, ensuring it is operating optimally and accurately is of paramount importance. Speak to our team about our Truck Scale Service and Maintenance options.

Here are a few questions that need to be considered before you purchase/install a truck scale. Contact a Certified Weighing specialist and they can help you with your truck scale requirements from start to finish.